Monday, April 07, 2003

am recovered.

first week of school was alright. it's a bit weird because i don't have a groove yet of what is expected of me in class. actually...i'm not even sure what we're supposed to be doing. it's quite ambiguous and the profs lecture for 2 full hours (that's 4 straight hours of spanish lecture) and there's no classroom interaction so it's's throwing me off.

it hasn't been stressful at all i'm glad. on saturday, i watched some kids so that my church's married couples fellowship could have well...fellowship, without their kids :) i changed two poopy diapers...and i was pretty good, and by pretty good i mean that the diapers stayed on and there weren't any accidents that occurred outside the diaper during the changing. the baby, ben, is the absolute cutest and bestest baby. he doesn't cry at all and he's fun...well, actually, he doesn't do much since he's only 9 weeks old, but just holding him and looking at him is fun because he's so darn cute! :D

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