Tuesday, March 29, 2005


so che comes home [oh, she's engaged by the way! and no, that is not the drama of which i speak] and she's like, "there are police cars in front of our house." minutes before, we heard a noise and a car alarm go off for a minute or two. so, hearing that there are police cars outside, i run to her window, which faces the street, and the two of us are peering out to see if we can figure out what's going on. we see several policemen and one of them is talking to a woman and we determine that she's been asked to prove she's sober. i'm giving kristie the play by play since she was in her room. after some time, i tell kristie that they're making her walk with her hands behind her back as another sobriety test. kristie said that it was handcuffs. and lo and behold, she was correct. the cops cuffed her and walked her to the back of the police cruiser. we think that she was in her car and possibly hit either someone's mailbox loud enough to set off a car alarm, or she hit a car parked on the street. it was too dark to tell what really happened. that was the big excitement of the evening.

and totally unrelated... yesterday, i went with shiv as she drove to bellevue to drop off garrett's wallet at a restaurant. when we walked in, i saw joana, james, and owen [whose 1st birthday party is coming up this weekend]. oh i love that owen, and jo and james too of course. :) owen was in his high chair and he started to reach for me and started to cry because i couldn't free him from the chair. if i had been able to stay at the restaurant, it would've been ok to free him, but since i couldn't, he had to stay in the chair, or else he'd never willingly go back in. it was so sad to see him cry a little. but i did feel loved since he wanted me to pick him up and play, though it might have had more to do with getting out of the chair than with me, but i like to think that he recognized me and wanted to play. i felt so bad that i couldn't play and that he had to stay in the chair. in a calm moment, shiv and i made our exit and on the way out, i waved a quick bye to the guys, whom i'd forgotten about the moment i saw owen...sorry guys.


G said...

With all girls...

cute baby > guys


Anonymous said...

hi scary bebe!!
love, original bebe

Anonymous said...

Baby brother is having fun at UO! :-D

Anonymous said...

i remember that. you didn't even come by to say hi. :( minus points. :P