Saturday, June 18, 2005

sinus infection

thursday evening, i was visited by some jerk sinus fairies. my eye doesn't twitch anymore...much. but, my snot is green. eww! and, yesterday i was driving on I-90 for an hour to west seattle and i did not have a single piece of kleenex in the car, except for the one i used in the morning. so for a whole hour, i used the same piece of kleenex. sooooooooo gross. che said that she would've started using her sleeve. i think that's yucky. can you imagine - crusty dried snot all over your sleeves? and now, my nose is all peeling from the abrasiveness of cheap tissue. it's crazy attractive.


Ryan said...

i have a friend who was in that very same situation. their solution was to blow their nose in their hand and then hold it out the window until the junk flew off.

ok, that friend was me.

david said...

when my nose gets raw during allergy season, i use an old cotton tshirt instead of tissues... so much better than puffs plus or kleenex ultra. and it's surprisingly uncrusty (but that's contingent on there being a high water content in your snot). use a green shirt, and you won't even notice. seriously, try it- it feels so nice.

steph said...

josh - yea, i think you offered me that very tissue at henry's.

ryan - ...

dave - do you later throw the old t-shirt in the wash? how does this work? my nose can't take the abrasiveness of tissue. it's delicate.