Wednesday, September 14, 2005

in babylon

i made it to LA, aka babylon as garrett likes to call it. the total time traveled was 20 hours, which included stopping for gas and food. i only ended driving a total of 5 hours, which means my awesome dad drove 15. we left portland a little after noon on monday and got to my apartment a little after 8am on tuesday. two mexican guys, antonio and daniel, flagged us down and offered their labor services to move my stuff into my 2nd floor apartment. so moving in was done in record time. now i'm just trying to unpack and get settled. tomorrow i plan on getting my california driver's license. i've already found my costco and best buy. i haven't gone to target yet, but i will tomorrow! yay! come and visit!


Anonymous said...

yay! gimme a call neighbor!

Anonymous said...

uh.. sorry, this is grace

swirley said...

Hey Steph! Welcome to California! You know, we should have a Seattle reunion.... there's you, grace, jerm, yun...anyone else? i'll email you my phone number, okay?

david said...

have fun clubbing with susan!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you made it! You are probably setting up your room waiting for the next season/series premiere begins! Take care.


steph said...

pam - yay you're in LA!

grace - yay we're neighbors!

amy - let's play in disneyland! :)

david - no. no clubbing.

siobhan - did you catch gilmore girls? :D

G said...

gj antonio and daniel. put 'em together, and it's like... Antonio Daniels!