Sunday, January 22, 2006


school kicked my butt this week. i started student teaching on tuesday. so i'm in a 5th grade bilingual class. the kids are pretty great. and my guiding teacher is really good at what she does. best of all, she cares about the students. i've heard from my other team members that some of their guiding teachers barely seem to tolerate their students, which is just wrong.

i got sick sometime wednesday/thursday and it's been downhill from there. being sick absolutely stinks. you feel all snotty and everything hurts and everything you do feels like it's in slow motion. but at least my snot isn't green. yay! hooray for small blessings. i stayed in bed all day yesterday and all of this morning until 4pm. i hoping it helped because i have to wake up at the butt-crack of dawn. 6am. welcome to the life of a teacher.


minjuice said...

hope you feel better soon! you looked like you were suffering yesterday. if you need meds or food, drop me an email or call :)

G said...

I should send you this t-shirt to wear in LA:


steph said...

gar! beaverton is NOT stupid. do not make me fly up there and give you a lecture on the finer points of oregon. you're just upset because you got ticketed in OR. and that was southern OR...

minjue - thanks! see you back in LA soon!