Saturday, September 15, 2007

field trip friday

i took the kids to the la convention center for the WIRED nextfest education day to see the exhibits. the kids LOVED it (as did the parents)! i am super fortunate to have parents who are really on top of things, as well as friends who were willing to come out and help (thanks to my new roommate susan and gilbert too). the kids were pretty worn out by the time we got back to school. i'm thinking the walk from the metrorail station back to school after the convention center may have put them over the edge of exhaustion. but lucky us, we got a sheriff's escort all the way from the convention center back to the station closest to school. awesome - especially considering how crowded it was on the way back. i left with 28 kids and i returned with 28 (2 kids were absent...sad, because they missed out) and i call that a good trip.

i stayed at school a bit to grade some stuff, and just organize. eh...things are all over the place. i left to attend a fun-filled evening of a justin timberlake taped concert viewing. hilarious making non-fans to endure it. then, it was game time with scene it - boys vs. girls. us girls were super behind in the first game, but we came back and won the whole thing. second time, we just kept the lead and won on a question where we had to guess the movie based on a scene where the actors had been removed (an invisible - if you've seen them) and thank you "bill and ted's excellent adventure" - we totally won. the whole evening was basically like hanging out with kristie, shiv, and the seattle games/teenybopper gang, except with random la/la transplant folks. it was so fun! i *heart* games.


Anonymous said...

Hi Steph! We miss having you at game nights too! We went to the Puyallup fair this weekend, scones, fair food and a fun hypnotist show. Shiv

G said...

We most definitely missed ya, Steph... BTW, did you hear about this happening at WIRED Nextfest?

kk said...

Yay for game nights! We should have a game night the next time you are in-town.