Friday, November 23, 2007

the aftermath

we had enough food to feed 20+ people. susan's coworker and her friends brought extra dishes - 20 twice-baked potatoes halves, creamed corn pudding, more green beans, deliciously expensive mac and cheese with balsamic reduction, and pumpkin pie. we stuck all the food on the table and ate on the floor of the living room with our paper plates and plastic picnicware. we run a no frills operation. :) i spent time "de-nuding" the turkey, as may puts it. all the yummy dark meat was carved off and saved in plastic containers. i resorted to plastic gloves to hear off the rest. i'm pretty sure i threw away some good meat still stuck on the bones. oh well, it wasn't worth the effort.

after dinner, we sat around and entertained ourselves with the wii. watching tall white guys boxing, bowling, and playing tennis was way amusing, though mario galaxy is disorienting after having eaten platefuls of thanksgiving foods.

later, we moved onto board games - apples to apples (awesome word association) and taboo (go, team a).

now we have a refrigerator full of leftovers and we will slowly make our way through. let the weight gain commence.

more photos here

1 comment:

Ryan said...

holy moly! it's may and grace.