Saturday, March 15, 2003

my last day of classes was thursday. it was a very, very, very long day. my last class of the day was spanish - the drama class. eh. we did class evaluations on the class session before - and i volunteered to take them and drop them off in campus mail. i've never written so many comments about a class or a teacher before. i've had tons and tons of crappy professors in college, more than i should've, and in all my years at UW, this is the first time that i've had to use the back of the page too. i think the final straw was when he told me that i wasn't allowed the option of writing one 6-page essay in place of two 3-page essays. the reason was that my previous grades did not meet the minimum requirement that he'd set. i felt like i could've done the 6-page essay, especially since just one of my "short" essays turned out to be 5 full pages. so on thursday, my attitude became progressively worse and by the end of class, i'd stopped paying attention and participating and sat back with my arms crossed sending him angry vibes. i thought teachers were supposed to encourage students, even the not so great ones. i've never had a teacher make me feel dumb, or rather, incapable of improving. at least i have the wonderful knowledge that i'll never have to take another class with him ever again.

i sound whiny and complainy, but i don't care. i can whine and complain if i want to.

in other news: pollen is out to get me.

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