Thursday, June 10, 2004

do you ever get the feeling that you're assigned to fill a certain role? and that no matter what you do, you can't seem to fight your way out of it? what if you were to suddenly quit your role? what would that do to everything/everyone around you? how would it upset the so-called balance? wouldn't it be interesting to see how things/people would respond to your breaking out of your mold? would they even allow you to escape or would they push you right back in?

i felt more philosophical than usual, which would normally be not at all, well, very little anyway.

i watched super size me this afternoon with my brother andy. afterwards, i couldn't even stand the thought of eating mcdonalds, or any other fast food. andy, on the other hand, couldn't wait to have some mcdonalds for dinner. gross. i could feel myself dying inside just watching morgan spurlock eating all those burgers. i think it shall be long, long, long time before i eat mcdonalds again.

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