Sunday, July 25, 2004

week in review:
tuesday: lunch in the u-district at chipotle with kristie, shiv, and amy nish, followed by ice cream at the mix. kristie and i went to work out at 24 hour. that was me going against my natural inclination to be an asymptote.

wednesday: woke up in major pain - sore muscles...really sore. played volleyball at an open gym at blaine - which only added to my sore muscles.

thursday: went to work and then started the 2:7 series small group with bunches of people. it's really exciting.

friday: after work, claim jumpers dinner to celebrate chong's birthday with cupcake cake and ice cream at the nishimura household and a round of poker with no real money gambled. we were playing for pride...or losing and having to take shame.

today [saturday]: saw before sunset with shiv, helen, tiana, and tiana's friend. afterwards, shiv and i went to chong's house for poker night $5 buy-in. i came in second place and came away from with $15 [my original $5 and $10 in winnings]. woohoo! all in!

i am so tired. it's like non-stop activities, but it's great hanging out with friends. and tomorrow, my cousin gets baptized in lake sammamish. cool.

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