Wednesday, October 06, 2004

the ringing in my ears has decreased, but sadly, i think i'm sick. my throat is all closed up and it hurts to swallow. this can not be a good sign. bah. but today was my birthday. i got cards, text messages, voicemails, verbal birthday wishes, etc. it was nice. my bank, washington mutual, sent me a birthday card too. and, the tellers at the local greenwood branch signed it. how weird/nice is that? i enjoyed a lovely potluck dinner with my 2:7 Bible study group and then a tea time/happy hour with "the family."

i think the best part was getting voicemails from my mom and dad. normally, my parents tend to forget our birthdays until we remind them. so this is the first year since i've been away from home that my dad has called to say "happy birthday" without me calling home first to remind him. it's the best present i could ask for.

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