Friday, October 28, 2005


this is what i found sunday afternoon. i've had an ongoing battle with argentinian ants since we moved in. they were gone for awhile because we had a visit from pest control, but then they started nesting and laying my room! i saturated the area with raid and then we vaccuumed the dead bodies. it's been a week and i can still smell the raid. paz, from the pest control company, told me that raid is very, very bad for people. crap. she stopped by today to strategically place some more ant poison. hopefully, this kills off the colonies that inhabit my walls.

so this is the end of the 5th week, and i'm just about halfway done with fall quarter. i've never studied so much in my life. but it's been fun, especially our classroom observations. i've spent the last 3 weeks in a 1st grade bilingual spanish classroom and it has been such an amazing experience. the kids are too cute, even the ones that act out more than the others. today was the last day of this rotation so emmy and i brought cookies and juice for the kids. we got lots of hugs and waves in return. i'll miss those little squirts. :) next week, we start our rotation in a 5th grade class in east LA. so exciting.

and i finally updated photos.


G said...

that's awesome you get to bust your language skills in the classroom. i fill so woefully inadequate with just my English.

and yeah, your kiddies are cute too... heh.

Anonymous said...

they laid eggs.... ew.... ew.... :|

steph said...

i super miss those kids! i'm thinking this is also part of the tough part of teaching, letting go.

and yes...they were breeding...super eww. i'm hoping i dumped enough raid to have killed with off, along with the poisoned ant bait. unfortunately, the raid fumes might very well kill me too.