Wednesday, March 01, 2006

march madness

i've got two weeks left in the quarter and it seems like there's all this stuff to do. our program has us plan a unit of 3-5 lessons and videotape one of our lessons to submit for scoring, which i call judgment, because essentially, that's what it is. we've spent so much time talking it to death. if we never talk about this teaching event again, i'd be so happy.

and now, they want us to start thinking about our job search. i have never been a fan of the job search/interview process. i just think i'm super bad at it because it never feels authentic. it always ends up feeling like i'm trying to sell myself to whatever job i'm trying to get. this is probably why i disliked business school so much; it often felt artificial.

this weekend, i'm going to help grace set up her classroom as her class gets ready to get back on track. my plan is to be more productive than i've been over the last few weekends in terms of working out my school stuff. and today marks the beginning of lent. i'm giving up caffeinated products + salty snack foods/junk food.

1 comment:

G said...

ouch, no caffeine while in school? that's a tough one...