Thursday, May 31, 2007

another day, another jarbling

jessica is chatting with her friend and husband online and asking about their trip in china:

jessica: "did you guys ride around on those ricochets?"
her friend's husband: "AHAHAHAHAHA!"
jessica: "what's so funny?"
HFH: "you are! it's not called a ricochet!"
jessica: "then what is it called?"
HFH: "i'm not telling you. wait till i tell jane about this!"

so then jessica asks me what those things are called, where you ride around in a cart and a person is pulling you... i tell her it's called a "rickshaw" and she asks me how it's spelled. then she says, "so then what's a ricochet?" "it's when things bounce off stuff."

1 comment:

G said...

ride around a "riccochet"... pwuahahaha.