Thursday, August 09, 2007

all shook up...literally

i'm pretty sure i just sat through a super brief mini-earthquake. things were shaking. stinkin' los angeles. i was momentarily freaked that it was going to get bigger, but it stopped. good grief.


rly said...

yup. it was an earthquake... 4.5 chatsworth.

congratulations on your first earthquake experience!

minjuice said...

ackkc! i felt that last night too! i didn't know that's what an earthquake would feel like. i heard a thud, like something landed on our roof and then everything shook for a few seconds. scary.

steph said...

rosa -'s more like the 4th... there was a biggish earthquake in portland when i was a kid, a big one in seattle during college and then when i first moved here, one i felt where the epicenter was further away and then this one... for being a non-native californian, i've actually experienced a few. :)

mj - it's your first earthquake?