Monday, October 13, 2003

i color inside the lines. my closet is organized by type of clothing and there was a time when the hangers were spaced one inch apart. when i'm told that i have a set list of duties, i like to stick to that list. i can check things off and feel like things are being accomplished. so, when the balance is upset, it drives me all sorts of crazy and i turn all anger-ball.

at work, on everyday except friday, i am the person that sits at the front desk doing all of the data entry and generating fee slips for the day and answering phones, etc. only on fridays am i the optical person. i prefer sitting at the desk because i then i don't have to interact with the difficult people as much. the point to these assigned duties is to make things consistent and efficient - to keep one person entering in all the financial and patient information to ensure that the accounting balances at the end of the day. when too many people were entering info, it caused wasted time and energy figuring out why things didn't balance at the day's end.

today was my desk day. but unfortunately, i did not spend much time at the desk. rather, i was forced to become a nomad. i was also not the only person entering things in. it's not like i'm not about the sharing, but at the end of the day, if something is not right, it's much faster to fix when i'm familiar with what's been entered. so, i'll say things like, "please feel free to leave it in the pile and i'll enter it in" but she will say, "oh that's ok, i'll enter it." inside i am like, "argggg." maybe she did not get the memo about our assigned duties. we did not balance today. i sat and went through each transaction until i found the errors. i'm just irked because this happens a lot and i often get shafted and have to figure it out. i just prefer it when i have control over this portion.

but in happy fun news, kristie, shiv, abe, noah, and cora took me to el camino for dinner last night and it was yummy! yay birthday dinners. thanks friends.

and on saturday, the power went out. i was momentarily frightened, until i called kristie and located a flashlight and lit candles everywhere until the power came back on.

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