Monday, September 27, 2004

sunday morning i went to breakfast with my friend jessica and got to meet her boyfriend. he's artsy cool, but not in that weird artsy way. the dude has the biggest collection of cds and vinyl records i have ever seen. after breakfast, i packed up my stuff and drove up to seattle, just in time for christina and matt's wedding downtown. there were a lot of people there, something like 400. and... bob sapp was there! i actually had no idea who he was, until amy said that he was like super famous in japan. according to IMDB, he's going to be in elektra and the remake of the longest yard. amy was pseudo-stalking him at the wedding. the wedding was fun and ended with the couple leaving by way of horse-drawn carriage. it was quite the exit.

earlier this evening, i called andy to see how his first day went. it sounds like he's having a good time. he was telling me how he's not getting trashed. then he pauses, and then starts to explain what "trashed" means. oh my goodness...i'm not a fossil, i know what "trashed" means. jerk brother. i am not old and i am not out of touch! i shake my fist at you andy sun.

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