Monday, December 05, 2005

God is SOOO gracious

early last month, i took the CSET. it's a standardized test that tests my content knowledge in the areas of english/language arts/literacy methods, US history/world history, science, math, PE, human development, and the arts. this is the test that i had to pass to be able to student teach for winter and spring quarter. well, i got the results today, and i passed all subtests! hoorah!

and i've also just finished the biggest paper out of all the ones i have due this week. it's a group essay, a 15-20 pager and i was not feeling motivated at all to write my portion. but my group is great and they're smart, so it helped...a lot. and now it's one less thing to worry about.

i'm just glad i'll be able to follow the outlines of my program and start student teaching next quarter. it would've really sucked not to pass.

in other news, i'm trying to start and end my day by intentionally spending time with God, in the reading of the Word and through prayer. i've have not been good about starting the day this way, only ending it. but i'm thinking this new thing i'm trying it will be good. i post this so i'll hopefully be more accountable to it. hooray for using blogs positively.


G said...

congrats on the test passing. now you can sympathize more with your students whenever they're subjected to the hell of their own standardized tests, right? ;)

Anonymous said...

hi steph. just perused by via xanga and i was like, "wow it's been a while since she's left seattle." that's great to hear you passed the test. it's also encouraging to hear about being intentional in your time with Him. hope things are going well in cali. :-)

steph said...

gar - yes, i can sympathize!

sol - hi! i's feels like it's been longer than 3 months! crazy! things are going pretty well here. everyone should visit!