Wednesday, April 19, 2006

lost and found

i was running around on campus today between classes to work on a project with one of the girls from my team. we went to powell library to print out some color maps for the project and while i was setting up my print account, i pulled out my wallet and left it on the counter. i left the library and was about to buy a soda from the vending machine when i realized that my wallet was no longer in my purse. i freaked out...internally. i was getting all sorts of paranoid thoughts about how my credit cards were going to be abused and the hassle of calling, canceling, and replacing - ALL BAD THINGS. i last time i remembered pulling out my wallet for sure was during lecture, to get to my phone.

i went back to the library, thinking that i might have pulled it out to get my student ID for registration, and hoping that it would still be at the computer i used. it wasn't there. i walked up to the staff desk to ask if anyone had turned it in, and there it was. sitting...waiting for me to come back. HURRAH! the girl said that she knew it was mine, because i had asked her a couple of questions earlier, but that she didn't know where i was. i couldn't have been more effusive with my thanks. i think she thought i was a little crazy.

seriously...losing your wallet is one of the worst feelings in the world.

lowlight: losing my wallet
highlight: finding it 10 minutes later totally safe


rly said...

i lost my wallet & passport in front of some building in monaco! ... traced my steps back only to find it on the floor in front of some big building where tons of people must've walked by and not a single thing was missing. whew! ... and my flight out of italy was only 2-3 days away.

i'm so glad you found your wallet! yay for the girl!

minjuice said...

even scarier is when exodus guys memorize your credit card #s and project it on the overhead at church. i'd rather lose my wallet to the benign ucla campus.

steph said...

rosa - amazing that nothing was missing! losing stuff in another country, especially a passport, would have me hyperventilating...

mj - good point. those sketchy guys...