Monday, January 01, 2007

good-bye 2006, hello 2007!

happy new year!

after sitting in the car on the way to light illegal fireworks when the clock struck midnight, shooting each other in the face with nerf darts at close range, and watching little miss sunshine, i got home to see my parents in the kitchen. it's moments like sitting up in the middle of the night and snacking and talking about random things and hearing stories about my parents' childhoods that i really enjoy. it doesn't happen too often. and while my mom continues to try and throw every available chinese boy with remote potential at me, i have my dad on my side to get my mom to chill out and leave me alone.

while at home, i've been introduced to two new games - bohnanza and dutch blitz. playing games with the cousins has been fun. even better, we like ganging up on andy because it's highly amusing.


it usually takes me awhile to adjust to being at home and with my family. and just when i'm used to being here, it's time to leave again in two days.

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