Wednesday, February 14, 2007

happy valentine's day

holidays are insane when you're a teacher. the kids find it really difficult to contain their excitement. all day long, it was about when they would get a chance to pass out their cards to one another. i didn't think that so many of them would actually do the whole card thing. even a bunch of the boys brought cards. too cute. i received an insane amount of gifts and chocolate. two of the girls (really, their parents) sent beautiful tulips and flower bouquets. my friend becca jokingly suggested that we ban all holidays (except the ones where we get a day off) because of the "hyper" factor. i had a target shopping bag full of stuff.

by the numbers:
6 - number of mini-mugs i know have
4 - number of heart-shaped boxes of chocolate given to me
1 - box of lindt truffles
2 - bouquets of fresh flowers
3 - fake flower gifts
too many to count - valentine's day cards (you know, the kind you used to give out as kids...) and random candy

one particularly funny card from a kid (the class barber...if you remember that story) - he signed it with his name, and then "your main man" - i cracked up! i showed the office staff and they were dying... it was too cute/funny. poor kid... in a few years he might remember this and be mortified.

so i got home today after class and jessica and tim are doing their gift exchange. jessica's gift involves this elaborate question and answer game about their relationship, plus a bonus "puzzle." she saw the puzzle/riddle in a card at the store and thought that it was funny and the kind of humor that tim would appreciate. instead of buying the card, she just re-drew it:

it's insanely funny when you figure out the answer to the could also be potentially in poor taste (you'll see what i mean when you figure it out...) i could not stop laughing...i thought it was worthy of a scan and a post. jessica would like everyone to know that she DID NOT make this up - she saw it in a commercially available greeting card made for the occasion. anyway, tim figured it out almost immediately and jessica says, "you figured it out so fast! you're so smart! how come you're so smart?" ahahaha...

and an unrelated funny story about math: i was teaching about lines and angles yesterday. i asked the kids if they'd heard of those two things. here's the conversation:

boy student: "i've heard of them, but you can't see them."
me: "what do you mean you can't see them?" and then i realize what he means...
me: "oh! you're thinking about angels! that's different from angles..."

i spelled out both words on the board, so the different in spelling and pronunciation would be clear...the kids and i had a good laugh about that one.


G said...

riddle answer:

"It's true love when hearts beat and your ass gets stared at by a scary man in a cowboy hat?"

Anonymous said...

I totally understand the craziness around the holidays. Try dealing with 18 4-year-olds during Valentine's Day and Mardi Gras at the same time. They were insane. I couldn't wait until the week was over. :)

Ryan said...

i get it... once i figured out that as a mustache.