Thursday, March 08, 2007

a teacher's worst nightmare

ok, there are actually a number of nightmares that teachers have, but one of them is oversleeping and being late to school. so, yesterday morning, i was pretty sick. our office manager gave me some daytime theraflu. midday, i was ok, but by the end, i felt hot...and was perspiring a lot...not good. i had class in the evening and got home around 8:30pm. i sat at home, rested, drank some meds, and fell asleep. sadly, i had failed to set my main alarm and my cell phone alarm was not enough to wake me up. so...i overslept and didn't wake up until school called! BOO! i freaked out when i looked at the clock and it said 8! anyway, they were worried because they knew i was pretty sick yesterday and were ready to call a sub. i got to school a little over an hour after the day started, but good thing jenny had them working on math problems from the text.

at lunch, i was talking to the other teachers and almost all of them have a similar story, which made me feel better and not as big of a dork. still...arg. may this never happen again.

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