Thursday, January 23, 2003

career fair - usually an event that is completely depressing

i went to the uw minority career fair [though i did see quite a few least they didn't look like minorities to me - and no, dating a minority does not automatically make you a minority]. it was suprisingly ok. i didn't leave feeling a ton of self-pity, which is a major step up from past career fairs. even if the recruiters were lying through their teeth about potential jobs and opportunities for me within their company, i still feel pretty good. at least they didn't just tell me that there were ZERO opportunities available - because that would have been very, very, very sad. this actually gives me a ray of hope, and even though it might just be crushed anyway, it's still nice to feel the possibility of it all. i did feel slightly cheapened at having to toss myself out there in the job pool and having to schmooze my way through the fair - but if it lands my foot in the door, it'll be worth it...i hope.

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