Monday, January 13, 2003

few and far between are my blogs as school gets underway. my first week was alright since i'm still trying to find my groove, ya know? i can say that for the most part, it's not too bad - except for this one class, spanish 440: drama of the golden age or in spanish, el teatro del siglo de oro. the prof is coo, and i understand him pretty well for the most part, but he speaks fast and jumps from subject to subject pretty quickly too, so it takes so much concentration to keep up. and the reading is crazy difficult. so like, taking a shakespeare class in english isn't exactly easy right? the language of the plays are different and there's the whole iambic pentameter thing...imagine taking a class in a second language where the written works aren't even modern day prose (which isn't easy either) but rather antiquated spanish and written in forms of lyric poetry. yea...exactly. this class owns me.

the other thing is that all the other people in the class are smarties - i think they've all studied abroad for at least 6 months and some are even hispanohablantes (native spanish speakers) so i have no desire to speak up in class. if i can get away with saying as little as possible i'll be happy. now...some people when presented with this type of challenge, would study harder and try harder just to keep up. method would be the opposite of that...something akin to giving up. hmm...they say that these kinds of things are telling and given that, i'm not so much liking what my method says about me. eh...

in almost anyone's childhood experiences, there will almost always be the kid you remember that was the know-it-all, or again in spanish, el sabelotodo. and generally, with the know-it-all kid, the thing is that they don't know it all, but just think that they do - which sucks for them because there's less room for growth and learning. so...i remember those types of kids from my childhood...and big surprise, i still find them - in class, at the law library, etc. and while most times, it's seriously not worth my effort to argue points in those rare moments when i am actually right, there are times when i get a perverse satisfaction of saying "ha! i'm right and you're so wrong!!!" accompanied with a touchdown-like dance to rub it in their face. is that bad?

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