Friday, January 03, 2003

i'm currently watching a group of people play risk, yes...risk and it's really amusing - but i think it's only amusing because of the mix of people who are playing. there seems to be a whole lotta funny that just can't be explained, but has to be witnessed.

my time at home is quickly coming to an end, and school starts up in just a couple of days, and darn it, i'm not ready to go back. it's like...NOOOO!!! [think homer finding out that donuts and beer have been eliminated from the entire planet.] arg...i love just sitting around and having nothing to do - of course that whole deal would get tired after awhile, but after spending all of autumn quarter just barely surviving, it's kind of nice to veg. i'm seriously hoping that this quarter will be way more chill than last - i might not survive if it's just as crazy. ok...that's a little extreme. it's more like i'd be like an animal that's been caged and starved and taught to be mean.

after a short stop to costco earlier today, i've found the reason why my vision's been all wiggy. it seems that my Rx on my lenses have been switched - and i don't know if it was my own error when i wrote the order, or whether it was a lab error. i guess i'll find out when i go to work on next friday.

ARRHHH! and my parents are all like "blah blah blah grad school blah blah blah" and i'm like..."i'm never going back to school...i'm never going back to school..."

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