this is the rental i was driving for two weeks:
[edit] the picture of the toyota camery has disappeared. [/edit]
i've made another step towards becoming a bonafide adult - i received my very own health insurance card! i'm quite excited about it. i can go and see the doctor whenever i want. this is great because growing up, after the pediatric years, my parents stopped taking us to the doctor. where most kids had physical exams on an annual basis, we only had them if participating in a school sport required them. why? because my parents are chinese and believe it is unnecessary to see a doctor unless you're showing proof of pain and suffering - like a bleeding gash on your head, and even then, i bet my parents would try to sew the cut back together. they're funny like that.
i spent the evening babysitting the kids of married peoples at church. we watched finding nemo and made shrinky dinks. those were a big hit with the kids, and an even bigger hit with the married couples. i think it was a tame night because i did not have to change a single diaper and baby ben did not have exploding poo. [i am impressed by parents because their kids do some pretty gross things.]
afterwards, i stopped by to watch the guys from my church play basketball in play-off game 1. it was an intense and physical game. our church guys lost, but i'm sure there's some character being built there somewhere. the refs were cool. i want to be a ref. they rule, with their black and white striped shirts and the authoritative whistle - their word is law.
coach dan makes a comment
ref: excuse me?
coach dan: -silence-
ref: i didn't think so.
awesome. there is so much power in that shirt and whistle. i am contemplating a possible career move.