Tuesday, September 17, 2002

it rained today. i was getting into my car earlier this evening and it had just started to drizzle, and there was this really great fresh rain smell in the air. i just stood there next to the car and just breathed it in. it always baffles me a little bit how certain smells can bring up precise memories and emotions. i remember there was this one time when i was walking out the back of lander hall and it was toward the end of the school year, around 9pm so it was still a bit light outside, and everything about that moment reminded me of standing outside of my house as a little kid. anywho...that's my example of smell and memory association. yea...so it rained and i got in my car and went to target. :)

i was thinking earlier today that i don't think i've found my niche quite yet. i've had a lot of time to think about many things lately, and that's one of the thoughts that's been bouncing around. my life feels like it doesn't quite fit. it's not that i don't feel like i fit in the places i am, but i just have this sense that my niche is out there and i just haven't gotten a hold of it just yet. hmm...stuff to ponder.

in the morning i'm off to san fran for the day to hang out with cora in her 'hood and then it's off to taiwan around midnight. it should be interesting. it's like a week with just my dad - i wonder what we'll talk about.

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