Wednesday, September 04, 2002

monday was spent driving back home and then hanging out with my former roommates and some seattle people. it was a much less stressful event than canada was...probably because i had an escape route [aka my own empty car]. it was fun...i got to eat lebanese food at a "hole in the wall" place in ne portland and then had dessert at papa haydn's, at their new eastside location.

yesterday was a blur. i woke up at 9am to have my 4 wisdom teeth pulled at 10am. i remember sitting in the chair and having my blood pressure and temperature taken as well as getting an iv in my left arm. i even recall the nurse sticking the "sleepy medicine" into the iv thing. and the next thing i know, i'm in recovery all puffy and swollen. my cheeks are totally puffed up...i look like minnie driver...or luke wilson...all square big jaw-like. i'm confined to eating liquidy-soft foods, which sucks, especially when my brother is sitting across the table from me gnawing on beef ribs... i feel like homer after the forbidden donut... so basically, all of yesterday was spent sleeping. hmm...maybe i should take another percocet... :)

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