Sunday, September 01, 2002

when worlds collide...

i went to canada today with 9 other people, so a total of 2 cars doing the caravan thing across the border. we got a bit of a later start than originally planned and also had to deal with a lame-o rock shard that busted the tire of the other car - so we didn't get to canada until 4pm...yes...4pm...and we left a little bit before noon. i felt like gilligan...what was supposed to be like 2 hours, etc. but we made it through the border with no fuss at all, and the patrol man was super friendly and nice. we drove through vancouver traffic [which totally sucks since everything feels like local roads] and arrived at granville island before 5pm - at which point there was a forum about where to eat dinner.

i think i was already irked by the traffic and the length of time it took to get to canada so when neither of my worlds really wanted to eat where the others wanted to eat...i felt trapped...but only sort of. i super wanted to spend time with chris - and it was looking like i was only going to see her for that brief 15 minutes at granville island since not everyone was up for eating at shabusen's. i'll admit it - i wanted my way and i was being bratty about it. i drove when i didn't really want to, i even left later than i wanted to, i decided not to stay overnight until tomorrow, and after all that, it looked like i wasn't even going to get to do the one thing i went to canada for - namely to hang out with chris. i was in a foul mood. i had no desire to concede and take a hit for the team, but i was going to grudgingly do so, but turns out a compromise was struck - yippee. i feel a little bad that i was so totally anal-retentive, but then again...i drove for like 7 hours today and i'm super tired so i feel slightly justified.

my solution to preventing this situation from ever repeating itself : go by myself. maybe it's just because the novelty of canada has worn off for me so there isn't really anything besides eating there that i feel is a "must do" - which of course isn't the same for everyone. bah...maybe i'm feeling like carry-over pms...

i'm trying to imagine how dave must feel. if i'm tired, he must be pooped from trying to coordinate 3 worlds of friends. for once...i agree with abe. how weird is that? anyway, it was a fun trip - despite my own anal-retentive nature. i think the car games of "6 degrees of kevin bacon" and playing the "pseudo-loaded questions" were big fun.

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