Sunday, November 10, 2002

i went to my first ever husky football game - and it was fun! we beat oregon state 41-29...i think. anyway...we sat in the east endzone and didn't have the overview of what was going on, but rather the direct-level of the field kind of view. which was cool for when the huskies intercepted a pass and scored a touchdown. there was a phatty dog-pile and the huskies were penalized for excessive celebration, but it was totally worth it. i can't believe i didn't catch onto the fun times of these games earlier in my college career. ah well, there's always alumni tickets and stuff if i stick around seattle next year. oh, and i got a couple of references to being a "soccer mom." i know what a soccer mom is, but i'm not sure how to take that in reference to myself. i think earned the label because i kept having to ask questions about what was going on, and making little comments that apparently only soccer moms make.

i also saw 8 Mile tonight at ghetto oaktree. i liked it - though it moved slowly in parts, and had a whole lotta profane language, and a few completely unnecessary sexual scenes. the underlying story of a guy trying to get beyond his crappy circumstances is pretty interesting, and put that with how it's supposed to be loosely based on eminem's experiences makes it that much more so. even knowing that the movie was probably very loosely based on his experiences in life and the early stages of his career, it totally elicited sympathy from me - shoot, i'd probably be angry to if i had to carry that kind of emotional baggage around.

and once again, i am reminded of the need to practice control over my words...not blurting things out before i've thought it through would be good - plus it would probably keep me out of a lot of trouble. on a totally unrelated topic, i've been feeling all grinch-like with all things "giggly" - like those jr. high kids from last weekend. i'm thinking perhaps i might be a little jaded or something...why else would i feel so snappish when i'm around that type of behavior? oi...i need to mellow out a little.

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